Hi, You can call me "Abbey" (Sold)

My full name is…Abigail Cotton Ewing Farm

Watch me get bigger...Bigger

These are my parents


My 1st Week

I’m a cutie! I have two sisters and two brothers.

I weigh in @.44 Kilograms


Week 2

I’m getting bigger fast, I think I will try to walk!

I now weigh .77 Kilograms


Week #4

I love to romp, play and pick on the boys !

I now weigh 6.46lbs

The hoomans nick named me “sassy”



Week #5



Week #6

I now weigh 8.60 lbs.

I like to play with my brothers and sisters. I’m a sweet girl most of the time, but when I get wound up…watch out 🙂


I now weigh 11.7 lbs

I am the queen of the ball pit, I don’t care what my brother Elton thinks!

I get to go to my new forever home and meet my new family soon.

My brother Charlie is my “Bestie” and he says “what I lack in size I make up for in fiesty!”

Oh, I forgot to tell you, I met myself…I like self reflection!


Yea! My new mommy and daddy are here to take me to my forever home in South Carolina ! 

I'm At my forever home now!

Check it out…I’m Home!

I got a new fluffy bed.

Good morning. I had an amazing night – might have been up a lot, but that’s because I want to go outside to pee. I like walking/running around the house and in the soft grass. They keep calling me a good girl, a ball of fun and a shadow. Off to Sunday School!

Hey, It’s Abbey!

I know it’s been awhile so I thought I would share a current picture of me getting ready to go for a ride.

I’m almost one year old, my birthday is next month, just in case you want to send me some birthday treats, just sayin’…