Hi! I'm (sold)

Watch me get bigger...Bigger

These are my parents


My 1st Week

I was born April 7th at 3:57am. I have a sister, we are going to be best buds.

I weigh in @.52 Kilograms


Week 2

Today I am officially one week old, starting into week two I now weigh 1.19 Kilograms.

The huumans call me Elton the music man. ( I’m already learning to sing and play the piano) and my daddy is a rock star!


Week 3

I now weigh 3.10 Kilograms

I’m a lot more mobile and getting around pretty good. My legs are still a little shaky, so I do short burst. I like snuggling with my sister, she makes a good pillow.


Week #4

I now weigh 3.66 kilograms

I’m a happy guy! I like smiling and stickin’ my tongue out. One of my eyes is changing colors to blue. I’m going to be the handsomest sheepie in town.

They stuck a new thing in with me and my sister and I found out the white liquid stuff in it taste really good!


Week #6

I now weigh in at over 12lbs!

My huuman mommy keeps calling me “Chunker-Munker”  cause I’m a big boy.

Yep…and have you seen the size of my paws?

For the most part I’m a chillin’ dude but when my sister Maggie Mae starts in …my rowdy side comes to life. She thinks she’s tough with her bandit eyes and all that, but I can run her over anytime I want. We have some great fun chasing and tackling and chewing on each other. 

I like chewing on the big dog’s food too, makes my gums feel good, I got new teeth coming in ya know.


I now weigh 14.11 lbs

So this is me chillin’ on the door step and mom is checking on me, I think she is in disbelief that I’m not bouncing around and playing with my sister. 

I conquered the play steps and killed a big duck this week! I am the ruler of all puppy things!



I now weigh 17lbs. I graduated from chunker munker to “Big Boy” this week. I got to go for a long ride today and when I say long I mean like 10 hours and that is just half way! That’s my new daddy he had a long drive too to come get me. He said we are going to New York to meet my new mommy and little boy. Wow I can’t wait and I get to ride for another 10 hours.

I hear it gets cold there, so I think I’m going to really like it. Anyway check back soon for some more pictures of me growing up.

WOW! That was a Really, reallllllly long ride...but I'm finally at my new home with my new family!

Here is a couple of pictures of me getting to know the little boy I was telling you about. I think we are going to be best buds! We are going to do “everything” together.


I’m already 9 weeks old today…can you believe it?

Just look how big I’m getting !

I’ve been in my new forever home now for three days and I really like it. 

Meet Kattia she is my new forever mommy, she’s super nice and cuddles with me all the time.

Well, I gotta go for now, check back soon and maybe I’ll have some more pictures to share with you.

I thought I would share another picture of me and my new buddy playing outside...

I haven't checked back in awhile but I had so much fun today I just had to share with you! Christmas is right around the corner and it snowed, Yes! Let's play!!!

Can you believe how much i have grown?

Everybody Help me celebrate my huuman mommy's Birthyday! She is the bestest!

Oh, and if it looks like there is a cupcake missing… well… let’s not tell ’em, okay?

Check back later ...
I'll have some more new pictures