Hi! My Name is Maggie Mae (Sold)

Watch me get bigger...Bigger

These are my parents


My 1st Week

I was the first born on April 7th. I came into the world at 1:07a.m. I have a brother too, he is a true gentleman, he let me come out first.

I weigh in @.51 Kilograms


I’m just too cute!

I am officially one week old today and I now weigh 1.09 Kilograms. Keeping with the music theme my dad was named after, I have been named after a Beatles song.

John Lennin was from England and had an Old English Sheepdog as well.


Week 2

I now weigh 2.81Kilograms


Week #4

I now weigh 3.17 kilograms


Week #6

I now weigh a petite 10lbs.

I like sitting on huuman laps and just being loved on, oh…and picking on my brother Elton. I can tackle him and rough him up. Some say he let’s me cause he is bigger than me. I have a sweetness that will melt any heart and a fun side that will brighten even a drury of day. Watch the video of us playing!


I now weigh 12.13lbs

The huumans say I am getting prettier by the day and I am a really good girl.

I like playing really hard and pouncing on my “big” brother and chasing him around. He might weigh more than me but I can still tackle him no problem!

My daddy stopped by to give me kisses and hang out for a few minutes. I liked that a bunch.

Mostly I just like chilling and being a sweetheart.


The little girl friend gave me lots and lots of kisses today. I’m going to miss playing with her.

I took a ride in a funny box with mesh windows today to meet someone new.

I now have a new forever mommy, her name is Patty!

I think I’m really going to like my new mommy and home a bunch…she even got me some new food bowls and all kinds of stuff.

I gotta go now there are lots of new places to explore but check back to see my pictures as I get older.