It's been a long night that lasted into the wee hours of the morning... and the momma's are tired...both of them!

The first puppy arrived @ 11:36 pm 10/26/2020 and the last to join the world wasn’t until 4:20 am 10/27/2020

It's been worth it though, three girls and two boys. Most importantly everyone made it through safe and healthy!

You can check out the puppies individual profile pages and watch as they grow by clicking on any one of the puppy images.

This is all of us together ... we are 9 days old in this video.


We have grown so much already. Daddy checking on mommy and us, you know supervising – lol. We had a taste of some new stuff, it’s different but similar to what we get from mommy – maybe later in the week we might like it a bit more, our tongues have to figure out to lap it up. Here’s to new experiences!

We are a month old, getting bigger and starting to explore and play more and more day by day. Check out our video below!

Just hangin' out with the momma

Week 7 - The gang is all here ...

Lucy, Lonna and Cooper in Georgia - it's time to meet the families!